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Oct 23, 20242 min read
Lola and Lalo, or Before Love I Am Helpless
The sun is low, and it’s easy to walk home. We descend from the viewpoint. Compared to the climb up to the observation tower with the...

Oct 16, 20242 min read
Resurrected from Garbage - Heidelberg
Every time I am in Detroit, there is one place I can not help but visit. If you ask "Why?", it's not an easy answer. At first glance,...

Mar 21, 20247 min read
Homeland or Death - Cuba
The statue of "the first tourist of Cuba" - Columbus, did not greet us in Cuba, honestly, I am not even sure if there is one there at...

Jul 3, 20236 min read
Pilsen - a cultural fusion of Chicago
Welcome to one of the most colorful and culturally rich Chicago neighborhoods! It was founded by Irish and German immigrants, but after...

Mar 6, 20235 min read
My Mexican love - Oaxaca
I was dreaming about following the art of Mexican surrealists to the north of Mexico City until a few weeks before my trip I found that...

Aug 14, 20224 min read
"In cod we trust"
"In cod we trust" is the perfect slogan for a modern Norway society. "Skrei" - the Norwegian Arctic Cod, is a name borrowed from old...

Aug 8, 20224 min read
The Rose or Stordal Church
Life becomes much more interesting when you just simply let yourself be led: something invisible whispers in your ear (or rather, in your...

May 28, 20224 min read
Puerto Escondido - "Hidden Port"
A few days on the Pacific Ocean in Puerto Escondido Oaxaca

Apr 22, 20226 min read
A long layover in Istanbul
If it happens to be that you have a long layover in Istanbul, use the opportunity to visit one of the charmiest cities. The Istanbul...

Mar 23, 20223 min read
The heart of CDMX (Mexico city)- Zócalo
Morning in Zócalo - the main square of the Mexican capital. Tourists are still asleep, locals have just started moving towards work. A...

Dec 5, 20213 min read
Posada El Castillo
Valytuvai vos spėja braukti tropikų lietaus lašus nuo lango, kalnuoto miestelio gatvės dažniausiai, matyt, dėl savo siaurumo veda tik...

Nov 21, 20213 min read
Mexican Bingo or Lotería
La Lotería or Mexican Bingo is a traditional Mexican card game. The difference between bingo and Mexican bingo is that Mexican bingo uses...

Nov 1, 20213 min read
Día de los Muertos - Day of the Dead - in Pilsen, Chicago
It’s believed that on the Day of the Dead, the border between the spirit world and the real world dissolves. This happens on October 31st...

Sep 15, 20213 min read
Karalienių perlas arba perlų karalienė
Vadinamieji Taičio arba juodieji perlai iš tiesų visiškai nėra juodi; jie daugiau tamsiai pilki su plačia atspalvių gama: nuo tamsiai...

Aug 1, 20218 min read
Where? How? and How Much? Practical information for those planning to travel to French Polynesia.
There are two ways to reach French Polynesia: to fly or to arrive by boat. For most, a trip to French Polynesia is likely to begin at...

Jul 25, 20215 min read
Maupiti - Paradise on Earth
On the island, roosters can’t tell time. The first one starts to sing at one in the morning, which actually might not be entirely wrong,...

Jul 18, 20215 min read
Bora Bora - penkiasdešimt melsvos spalvos atspalvių
Kartais norai pildosi pačiu netikėčiausiu būdu ir metu. Prieš daugiau ne dvidešimt metų turėjau svajonę, kurios nuotraukėlę buvau...

Jul 12, 20214 min read
Rojus žemėje - Maupiti
Saloje gaidžiai nepažįsta laiko. Pirmasis pradeda giedoti apie pirmą nakties; šiaip gal ir normalu, nes saulė leidžiasi po šeštos;...

Jun 9, 20212 min read
Penkiasdešimt baltos spalvos atspalvių
2018 metų gegužės 23-čią Viceroy viešbučių tinklas atidarė 15-tąjį viešbutį. Meksika, Kalifornijos iškyšulys, San Jose del Cabo....

May 12, 20211 min read
Marquesittas Recipe
In order to bake a Yucatan delicacy at home, the most challenging part is to have a proper baking pan: one with which you could...
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